Sanpin Motors offers service to all make and model vehicles including Japanese vehicles.
Need Financing?
Sanpin is able to line you up with your preferred lender or one that offers
the most attractive repayment options.
We maintain excellent working relationships with all local financial institutions and credit unions, and would
be happy to get those conversations started for you.
Get Pre-Approved Today!
Speak with a banker today about your options.
Jump into your dream car with confidence and the perfect repayment solutions available to you.
Get Started Now!
Complete the form below with your personal details and submit.
Expect a call or an email within 24 hours.
Before completing the form, here are a few prerequisites:
You must be Bahamian or with a Legal Permit to Reside in The Bahamas.
You must be 18 years or older to be considered for a loan.
You are required to make a deposit of 15% (of the cost of the vehicle) or more to be considered for a Bank Loan.
You are reminded that you also have the option of leasing should a loan not be ideal for you.